Financial Assistance
Wellfleet Affordable Housing Trust
Forgivable Accessory Dwelling Unit Loans
The Wellfleet Affordable Housing Trust will make four (4) $10,000, no interest, forgivable loans, available to Wellfleet property homeowners to create an ADU that they will rent affordably for a minimum of 5 years.
The Wellfleet Affordable Housing Trust will offer post-construction ADU incentives to qualified homeowners who are willing to rent their ADU affordably per HUD Affordable Fair Market Rent (AFMR) guidelines for a period of 5 years.
Program funds can be used toward the converting of an existing apartment (permitted or non-permitted) into a legal ADU.
For more information and to view the program guidelines and application
please visit:
(Right Hand Column)
Send applications or questions to: Talitha@CapeCdp.org
HMLP-Home Modification Loan Program
The Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP) is a Massachusetts state-funded loan program. HMLP provides 0% interest deferred payment loans to homeowners and landlords so they can modify or adapt their homes for a person(s), of any age, with a professionally documented limitation(s) or disability. This includes ADU projects that would allow for a family member(s) or a caregiver to live with the homeowner.
To learn more:
Visit: www.cedac.org/HMLP
Call: 1-866-500-5599.
Cape Light Compact Incentives
Cape Light Compact offers a variety of residential rebates and incentives for high efficiency residential new construction, renovations, and additions – For more information (Click Here)
Cape Cod AquiFund Zero/Low-Interest, Betterment Loans
Zero & Low-Interest, Betterment Loans to Help Clean Up Cape Cod’s Waters. Cape Cod AquiFund provides financial assistance for septic system replacement, installation of advanced onsite wastewater treatment units, and sewer connections.
To assist those residents who need the most help in areas where sewers and advanced onsite technologies are being used to clean up Cape Cod’s waters, AquiFund offers an income-based tiered interest rate for new program applicants. (Click Here)
General Inquiries for Cape Cod AquiFund
Call: 774-330-3010
Alice Ryan, Program Manager
Email: alice.ryan@capecod,gov
Call: 774-314-2244
Angela Do Carmo, Loan Manager
Call: 508-375-6877
Email: adocarmo@capecod.gov
Resource Center Incentives - CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE
Homeowners may be eligible for incentives up to a total of $25,000.00 to create new ADUs. Incentives are given as deferred forgivable loans.
Pre-Permitting Incentives:
​Qualified homeowners may be eligible to receive up to $5,000 for pre-permitting activities. These funds may only be used for:
Certified Plot Plan
Certified Site/Land Survey (more complex than a plot plan)
Geotechnical Reports
Groundwater Survey
Soil Test
Architectural Elevations
Architectural Renderings (Stick Built or Pre-Fab/Modular)
Architectural Blueprints/Floor Plans
Foundation Plan
Energy Calculations
Structural Calculations
Engineered Septic Plan
Septic Upgrades/Sewer Betterment/Hook Up Fees
Soils Analysis & Percolation Testing
Title V Inspections (including video inspections)
Design of pressure-distribution Septic Systems
Design of Conventional Septic Systems
Design of I/A Septic Systems
Post-Construction Incentives:
Qualified homeowners may be eligible to receive up to $25,000 once the ADU is created. Homeowners who received pre-development/pre-construction incentives may be eligible to receive up to $20,000 once the ADU is completed.
Incentives are paid for rental units that do not already exist, are built as new ADU rental units 1 of the 8 Lower Cape towns, and are rented on a year-round basis.
For full eligibility and loan compliance requirements, please contact:
Talitha Abramsen at 508-290-0119 or Talitha@CapeCDP.org
At this time, the funding for this program is limited and priority will be given on a first come first served basis of eligible homeowners. Additional funding is being sought.