Housing Stabilization Fund
What are Housing Stabilization Funds?
These funds are specifically dedicated to help Lower Cape residents get access to, or maintain, year-round housing. Funds may be available to assist eligible homeowners and renters that may not qualify for other support.
Examples include:
Short term housing funds for year-round residents;
Emergency funds for those at risk of losing their rentals or homes.
How do I know if I qualify for Housing Stabilization Funds?
Staff at the Homeless Prevention Council (HPC) can help you understand and access the right resources to stabilize your housing situation. You may qualify for these funds if:
You are a year-round resident of one of the 8 Lower Cape towns: Brewster, Chatham, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans, Provincetown, Truro, or Wellfleet;
You have demonstrated need;
You have first accessed other available housing funds, if eligible, before applying for these funds. An HPC Case Manager can help determine your eligibility for this and/or other assistance.
How can I apply for Housing Stabilization Funds?
You can get more information by contacting HPC.
Call us at (508) 255-9667, ext. 110, email us at help@hpccapecod.org or fill out the form below.
Do I have to wait until I’m behind on my rent or mortgage to get help?
Please don't wait. The sooner you call HPC for assistance, the better.
Is this service confidential?
Yes, all of HPC’s services are free and confidential.
Are there any restrictions to qualify for these stabilization funds?
These funds may be available for most Lower Cape residents, even those who don't qualify for other types of housing assistance. You must also be a resident of one of the 8 Lower Cape towns: Brewster, Chatham, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans, Provincetown, Truro, or Wellfleet.
More information about the program
Please fill out this form if you would like someone from HPC to contact you about receiving housing assistance.
We will respond to your submission within two business days.
You may also contact Maggi at HPC by phone at (508) 255-9667, ext. 110, or by email at help@hpccapecod.org