Resident Services
Landlord and Tenant Support
Ongoing support will be offered to landlords and tenants to promote positive tenancy and long-term rental success. This may include:
Direct connection to Homeless Prevention Council’s Resident Services and other special programs
Ability to list year-round rentals
Access to resources about landlord and tenants' rights and responsibilities
What are Resident Services?
For more than 30 years, the Homeless Prevention Council (HPC) has been on the frontline of assisting year-round residents to stay in their homes or find stable, affordable housing. During this time, we have found that due to the seasonal fluctuations of the Lower Cape economy, even the most reliable tenants can sometimes fall onto difficult times.
Through Resident Services, ongoing support is available to landlords and tenants to help promote positive tenancy and long-term rental success. Resident Services can connect tenants with the resources needed to maintain their year-round housing.
How much do Resident Services cost?
These services are being offered free of charge for year-round landlords and tenants as part of the Lower Cape Housing & ADU Resource Center’s assistance package.
How can I sign up for Resident Services?
You can get more information by contacting HPC. Call Maggi at (508) 255-9667 x110, or email us at help@hpccapecod.org.